Monday, September 10, 2012

Graf 7: Brainstorming Ideas

Topic Questions:
How does Asperger’s affect the relationship?
[what challenges will we face because of it, will there be limited desire for physical intimacy, will only one partner be committed to the relationship?]

What are common misunderstandings?
[do people with Asperger’s have feelings, are they capable of being good parents?]

What can I do differently or to help?
[what ways do I need to communicate differently, what ways can I help?]

What can we do to make up for the lack of “emotional” connection?
[what ways can we adjust the way in which we interact in our relationship to make sure that both of us are getting what we need? ]

What studies are out there that talk about Asperger relationships and the longevity?
[are there even studies on this, what do these studies suggest, how do they affect or change our relationship?]

What studies are out there and what information is given about raising a family with an Asperger parent?
[will our children have issues adapting to an emotional unavailable parent?]

What can extended family do to help?
[what resources are out there to help them understand Asperger’s better and what can they do to help fill in whatever gaps are there?]

How does our religion play a role in our relationship with Asperger’s?

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