Friday, August 31, 2012

Graf 3: Inventory

As I sit on the couch with my laptop rested comfortably on a blanket piled on my lap, I look around the living room, the contents are: 

Wrinkled beige leather oversized chair and hassock
Creased beige leather couch
Coffee table (w/two empty Pepsi cans, candle, remote control caddy, Wii remotes, bag of frosted animal shaped cookies, Samsung phone, H.C. Haynes check stub)
Lap top teetering on the legs of the coffee table
Two comforters
Two large pillows
Vomit bag
Figure eight harness
TV stand (fax machine, IH tractor model, phone, Wii console, Dish receiver, DVR player, load slips, Farm Days Poster, tax forms, Windex, paper towels)
Gazelle chest

Cluttered living room, she must be a busy lady or a lazy one. Wrinkled and creased furniture suggests that a lot of time is spent in the living room or maybe she bought the furniture used, half off even. The coffee table is covered in odds and ends, does she ever pick it up? Empty soda cans, she could just throw those in the recycling bin. At least she is organized enough to have a place for the remote controls. Pillows and comforters, does she sleep in the living room? Did she have a sleep over? Why does it sound like her living room is her bedroom? Why are the contents of a first aid kit on the floor? Did she injure herself? She has unfinished paperwork on her TV stand, she must be too busy to get it taken care of.


  1. Strange list! Clmibing equipment, oxy, vomit bag??? The graf certainly doesn't answer all the questions, but it doesn't necessarily have to, just pull the items together loosely and you do that fine.

  2. Haha! The figure eight harness is one you wear to hold your shoulders back after injuring your collar bone. My boyfriend was in an ATV accident a few weeks ago and broke his collar bone. He recently had surgery and the medicine makes him sick. The vomit bag was a lovely souvenir from the hospital. We both sleep in our living room, because he cannot get in and out of bed upstairs.
