Standing in that parking lot that cold day in December is
permanently etched in my mind. I could never possibly change that experience or
forget about it. But, the way that my friendship has morphed since the
experience has been nothing short of drastic. I usually do not express myself
to many people, living in a small area, you find people gossip a lot and I don’t
want to start rumors. I felt that it was necessary to express the awkwardness
of the situation, but also how that situation was short, compared to the rest
of our friendship. Sitting here and thinking back to that day brings back all
of the same feelings I had in that precise moment we were at the register in
the store and I felt like I would explode. I couldn’t wrap my mind around what
I was about to do.
This is one of those topics that is like a huge granite block in your mind--it is what it is and chipping away at it to turn it into something smaller and neater like a five-graf cause essay is difficult.