Thursday, October 18, 2012

Essay 3: Contrast Essay

What makes Megan so awful? That she assumes that she must be better than everyone, because she seems to have it all. She’s average, not exactly a Harvard graduate. She’s educated, married and also happens to be my arch nemesis. How does Megan earn this title? Well, she earned this title by being overly involved in my life. She has graduated school, I still attend. She is married, I am not. She has a three year old and a new baby on the way, I haven’t even made plans for a baby yet. Megan and I are complete opposites.

Megan recently graduated from the University of Maine in Presque Isle and is now teaching at the elementary school in town. Ruling the second grade classroom is second nature to her, well that’s what she says anyways. I am still working through my business degree at Eastern Maine Community College, while working from home, a thankless job none the less. While I crunch numbers and pull my hair out, she is working on fun activities with her students.

Not only is Megan done school, but she is married. She married her best friend three years ago after discovering that there was a little one on the way. Megan and her husband are living in their new house with their new furniture and their freshly painted walls. Meanwhile, I don’t know when marriage will knock on my door. Even though I’ve been with the same guy for a few years, there is a lot going on that keeps us from making the big leap. Our house is not new, the furniture is not new, and there is not one drop of fresh paint.

Megan cements her status as my arch nemesis, because she seems to be stuck in a high school mentality. She constantly is caught up in small town gossip and spreads rumors as quickly as possible. She loves to keep up on everyone else’s life and share the latest scoop with everyone she comes in contact with. I prefer to keep gossip at bay and only repeat things that are true and necessary. I don’t enjoy other people’s misery.

At the end of the day, I put my feet up and breath, if only for a few seconds and look to the future and realize that although it’s taken me awhile to achieve what I have, I am proud of the journey that I’ve been on and where it’s brought me. Whether or not Megan feels the same way or not doesn’t matter to me. I’ve implied she is some evil woman with a  cape and a laugh worthy on only the most evil of villains, but truth be told Megan is like most everyone else; she is so caught up in everyone else’s business that she misses the most important things right at home. I think with time she will grow up and leave the immaturity behind and become an individual that supports people instead of tearing them down. While Megan is working toward becoming that person, I am going to be that person.

1 comment:

  1. This is nicely organized. You do kind of run out of examples in graf 4 but 2 & 3 have enough juice to carry us over that little bump. What you can not get away with IMO is not telling us that Megan is your older sister or middle school BFF or whatever!

    All that said, I'm taking this as a finished piece.
